
I thought long and hard about a proper introduction and what all I would expose. I created this blog so that I could share my journey with the world, and things that I have been through. Trying creatively to write something on this page was not so easy, but  I soon realized that the answer was simple. Tell the truth and be myself so I want to introduce you the world to who I am. You see prior to now the only ones who knew me or of me were family and the few friends that I maintain. Dear world my circle tends to be quite small yet I have a feeling that it’s about to get bigger while you get to embrace, criticize, critique, and learn about me, my past, my perfections, my flaws, the things I am going through and the changes that are taking place in my life. I hope that my story and my journey touches, inspires, and allows you the world to gain something from it. So here I am an open book I hope that you enjoy as you get to embrace me for who I am Domeka.